04 பிப்ரவரி 2021

How much should I invest in Mandi biryani?

while eating plain rice people eat not more than 80–100 gms of rice. now there are certain factors which are to be kept in mind. as biryani is an aromatic rice mixed with meat and ghee, people tend to devour more somewhat 1.5 time more than normal rice. basmati increases in size more than ordinary rice. so it is to be almost 120 gms rice. for 20 people it is almost 2500 gm rice 2.5 kg. i always use india gate basmati classic version which costs 200 rs per kilo that is to say that it will cost you around 500 rs for the rice. 

mutton costs in 1200 rs per kilo so though i dont know in which province of the country it would b cooked, i made a general price estimate. one and half kilo of mutton is sufficient for one kilo of rice. so 3.5 kilo of mutton would cost you 3600 rs.

saffron if it is authentic then should cost you 300 rs per gram. i use authentic BABY saffron of kashmir or one local brand f Noida which is also very genuine. it gives the original fragrance and aroma and colour. half a gm for one kilo of rice is sufficient so use discreetly for every strand of it is very precious!!! one and half grm saffron supposing that you are using authentic saffron for your guests and relatives, would cost you 450 rs.

I use 350 gm ghee for each kilo of rice. so for 2.5 kilo of rice 800–850 gms of ghee is sufficient. lets estimate 400 rs.and other garam masala, rose and screwpine water, coriander and mint leaves , 2 cups of milk and 1 kg of yogurt would cost you something around 200 rs.

so 5200 rs would be the minimum cost. but at the end of all minute calculation, it depends on the housewives. and indian housewives are renowned for their time-tested parsimony or time-tested munificence

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