20 ஏப்ரல் 2023

"First Aid for Electric Shock: What to Do in an Emergency"


Electric shocks can happen everywhere, from the workplace to the home. While the majority of electric shocks are moderate and do not cause substantial harm, some can be fatal. As a result, it is critical to understand the fundamentals of electric shock first aid in order to reduce the risk of catastrophic damage or death.

Here are the actions to take in the event of an electric shock:

  1. Make sure the situation is safe before attempting to assist someone who has been electrocuted. If the person is still in contact with the electrical source, do not touch them; you could become the next victim.If feasible, turn off the power source or unplug the gadget that is causing the shock. If this is not possible, move the individual away from the source of electricity with a non-conductive object such as a broom or a wooden stick.
  2. Call for assistance: If the person is not responding, contact emergency medical services right once. Even if the person appears to be in good health, it is always best to be safe and have a medical professional examine them.
  3. Check for breathing and pulse: Once the person has been relocated away from the source of electricity, check their breathing and pulse. Perform CPR if they are not breathing. Start chest compressions if they don't have a pulse.
  4.  Electric shocks can cause severe burns to the skin, which should be treated right away. Remove any clothing or jewellery that covers the damaged region if the person has suffered burns. Rinse the burn for at least 10 minutes with cool water. Applying ice or ointments to the burn may cause more damage.
  5. Keep an eye on the individual: Even if the individual looks to be in good health, keep a watch on them for the following few hours. Some electrical injuries, such as cardiac arrhythmias or muscle injury, can have delayed symptoms.

To summarise, electric shocks can be harmful, and it is critical to understand the fundamentals of first aid in order to avoid major injury or death. Before attempting to assist someone who has been electrocuted, guarantee your own safety by calling 911, checking for breathing and pulse, treating burns, and monitoring the person for delayed symptoms. By taking these precautions, you can reduce the risk of problems and improve your chances of full recovery.

05 ஏப்ரல் 2023

"What is a good headache drink?" 5 Drinks to Relieve Headaches Naturally

It might be challenging to focus on daily tasks when suffering from severe headaches. There are numerous over-the-counter medicines that can help with pain management, but there are also a number of natural therapies that can aid. One such treatment is the consumption of specific drinks that have been shown to reduce headaches. We'll look at some of the top beverages for headaches in this article.


Drinking water is one of the simplest and most efficient headache remedies. Staying hydrated is essential to avoiding headaches because dehydration is a common cause of them. Toxins in the body that may be the source of the headache can be eliminated from the body by drinking water.

ginger tea

Anti-inflammatory qualities of ginger can aid to lessen headache pain. Fresh ginger can be steeped in boiling water for several minutes to make ginger tea. If you want to sweeten the tea, add a spoonful of honey.

caffeine-free tea

Another excellent alternative for reducing headache pain is peppermint tea. The cooling properties of peppermint might aid in easing head stress and inflammation. Fresh peppermint leaves can be steeped in boiling water for several minutes to make peppermint tea.

A green tea

Caffeine, which is present in green tea, might lessen headache discomfort. Due to its inherent ability to constrict blood vessels, caffeine can assist to lessen headache discomfort by constricting blood vessels in the brain. Antioxidants included in green tea can also assist to lessen inflammation.

Cherry nectar

Anthocyanins, which are found in cherries, have anti-inflammatory qualities that can aid to lessen headache pain. Moreover, cherry juice helps lessen the intensity and duration of headaches.

In conclusion, a variety of beverages can aid in the natural relief of headache discomfort. To relieve discomfort, try drinking water, ginger tea, peppermint tea, green tea, or cherry juice.To rule out any underlying medical concerns, it's crucial to seek medical advice if your headaches are severe or chronic.

04 ஏப்ரல் 2023

"9 Effective and Natural Remedies for Quick Headache Relief"

Cerebral pains are a typical disease that influences the vast majority sooner or later in their lives. They can be brought about by different factors like pressure, lack of hydration, strain, sensitivities, and the sky is the limit from there. When confronted with a migraine, the primary intuition is to go after over-the-counter pain relievers. In any case, there are a few regular and simple cures that can assist with mitigating cerebral pains rapidly and really. In this article, we will examine probably the best ways of restoring a migraine quick.

Hydrate: One of the most widely recognized reasons for migraines is parchedness. Drinking water can assist with facilitating the cerebral pain by rehydrating the body. Make a point to drink something like 8-10 glasses of water a day to remain hydrated.

Have some time off: In the event that you are encountering a cerebral pain because of drawn out screen time or business related pressure, enjoying some time off can be a useful cure. Shut your eyes and rest for a couple of moments, or go for a stroll outside. This can assist with facilitating strain and ease migraine side effects.

Apply Intensity or Cold: Applying intensity or cold to the impacted region can likewise assist with mitigating a cerebral pain. Put a warm pack on the temple or a virus pack on the neck to facilitate the aggravation.

Knead: A delicate back rub to the sanctuaries, neck, and shoulders can assist with letting strain and decrease the seriousness free from cerebral pains.

Ginger: Ginger has normal calming properties that can assist with lightening cerebral pains. You can consume ginger in a few structures, like ginger tea or adding ginger to your dinners.

Rejuvenating ointments: Peppermint, lavender, and eucalyptus medicinal oils have calming properties that can assist with easing migraines. Apply a couple of drops to your sanctuaries and back rub tenderly.

Work out: Exercise discharges endorphins, which are normal pain relievers that can assist with mitigating migraines. Take part in light activities like yoga, strolling, or cycling to assist with facilitating cerebral pains.

Magnesium: Magnesium is a fundamental mineral that can assist with decreasing the recurrence and seriousness of migraines. You can take magnesium supplements or eat magnesium-rich food sources like nuts, seeds, and mixed greens.

Keep away from Triggers: Keeping away from triggers like liquor, caffeine, and certain food varieties can assist with keeping cerebral pains from happening.

All in all, cerebral pains can be a disturbance, however there are a few regular cures that can assist with reducing them rapidly and successfully. Drinking water, having some time off, applying intensity or cold, rub, polishing off ginger, rejuvenating oils, participating in work out, taking magnesium, and staying away from triggers can all assist with easing cerebral pains. It is vital for focus on your body's requirements and do whatever it may take to keep cerebral pains from happening. In the event that migraines continue, counseling a medical care professional is ideal.

27 மார்ச் 2023

How much does a kg of of mutton biryani cost in Chennai?

Mutton biryani is a popular dish in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, enjoyed by both locals and tourists. The city is home to a plethora of biryani restaurants, each with their own distinct flavours and methods of preparation. The cost of mutton biryani in Chennai can vary depending on several factors, including the restaurant's location, the quality of the ingredients used, and the size of the serving.

In Chennai, the price of 1 kg mutton biryani can range from Rs. 700 to Rs. 1500, which is roughly $10 to $20 USD. However, depending on the restaurant and the factors mentioned above, the price may be higher or lower.

The quality of the ingredients used is an important factor in determining the cost of mutton biryani in Chennai. Restaurants that use high-quality, fresh ingredients like Basmati rice and tender mutton will charge a higher price for their biryani than those that use lower-quality ingredients. Furthermore, prices may differ depending on the type of biryani, such as Ambur biryani or Dindigul biryani, which may use different ingredients and cooking techniques.

Another factor that influences the price of mutton biryani in Chennai is the restaurant's location. Biryani restaurants in busy areas or popular tourist destinations may charge a higher price for their biryani than those in quieter areas. Furthermore, the cost of labour and rent in various locations can have an impact on the price.

Finally, the price of 1 kg mutton biryani in Chennai can range between Rs. 700 and Rs. 1500, depending on several factors such as the quality of the ingredients, the location of the restaurant, and the serving size. Biryani lovers will find a variety of options in the city, ranging from low-cost options to high-end restaurants, each with its own distinct flavours and preparation styles. For the most accurate and up-to-date pricing information, it is always best to contact the restaurant directly.

22 மார்ச் 2023

What are the unbreakable rules of cooking?

Cooking is an art that calls for imagination, fervour, and close attention to detail. To make sure that their meals are great every time, cooks need adhere to a few simple guidelines. Here are some cooking's guiding principles:

Read the instructions carefully 

Make care to thoroughly study the recipe before you begin to cook. You will gain a better understanding of the dish's ingredients, preparation techniques, and cooking methods as a result. It will also help you estimate the amount of time required for preparation and any specialised tools. Reading the recipe first will help you avoid any surprises or errors while you're cooking.

Use top-notch ingredients.

The flavour and quality of your cuisine will be strongly influenced by the quality of your ingredients. For the greatest results, always use fresh, high-quality ingredients. This entails buying fresh produce at the market, selecting premium meats and seafood, and consuming superior oils, spices, and herbs.

Maintain a spotless and organised workspace.

Cooking safely and effectively requires maintaining a tidy and organised work space. Ensure that your workspace is tidy and clutter-free. To avoid cross-contamination, use different cutting boards for various types of food. Keep your supplies close at hand, and tidy up as you go to prevent a mess later.

Properly season your food

The flavour of your cuisine can be improved by appropriately seasoning your food. To give your food more depth and complexity, season it with salt and pepper and experiment with other herbs and spices. Don't overseason the dish because this can make the natural flavours of the food taste bland.

Avoid overcooking food

Your dish's flavour and texture might be ruined by overcooking. Make sure to monitor cooking times and check the internal temperature of your meal with a thermometer. This will enable you to cook your food just right without overcooking it.

As You Go, Tasting

It's crucial to taste your meal as you cook in order to adjust flavours and seasonings. Also, it will enable you to identify any errors quickly and make the appropriate corrections. To make sure your dish is appropriately seasoned, taste it frequently during the cooking process, especially towards the end.

In conclusion, adhering to these fundamental cooking principles will enable you to consistently produce dishes of the highest calibre and taste. Always read the instructions first, use high-quality ingredients, maintain a tidy workspace, season your meal correctly, watch your cooking time, and taste as you go. You may learn to cook well with time and effort and produce delicious meals for you and your loved ones.

What are the five fundamental cooking skills?

Everyone should know how to cook because it is a necessary life skill. It not only enables you to live a healthy lifestyle but also lets you express your creativity and try new foods and flavours. The enormous selection of cooking methods and equipment, however, might be confusing for a novice cook. The five fundamental culinary techniques that every beginner should know are covered in this article.

Knife Techniques

The ability to use a knife effectively is one of the most crucial cooking techniques to acquire. Cutting and chopping items effectively and safely requires a sharp knife. Understanding the many kinds of knives and how to use them is crucial.A paring knife, for instance, is wonderful for peeling and trimming fruits, while a chef's knife is perfect for slicing vegetables.

Heat Management

In cooking, temperature control is essential. It is crucial to grasp the knowledge of the various heat levels and how to use them. You can prepare meals to perfection by understanding how to control heat and alter the temperature settings on stovetops and ovens. Learning how to control heat is crucial to achieving the intended outcome because overcooking or undercooking food can affect the flavour and texture of your dish.

Cooking Methods

Many dishes are prepared using a variety of culinary methods, including boiling, frying, baking, roasting, grilling, and sautéing.To ensure that your food is cooked properly, it is crucial to understand these cooking techniques. For instance, boiling works well for preparing veggies and pasta while baking works well for preparing cakes and bread.


The main focus of cooking is producing savoury food. The flavour of your cuisine can be significantly improved by using the proper seasoning and spices. Salt, pepper, garlic, ginger, and rosemary are a few of the vital spices and herbs. A crucial cooking skill to master is how to use these components and produce mouthwatering taste combinations.


To make sure that the process of cooking goes smoothly, your kitchen must be organised. Before you start cooking, it's crucial to have all the required equipment and supplies on hand.Before you begin cooking, make sure you have all of the necessary tools and ingredients on hand. Preparing your ingredients ahead of time can also save you time and reduce the likelihood of overcooking or burning your food.

Finally, these five fundamental cooking skills are required for any beginner who wishes to become a competent cook. Not only will mastering these skills help you cook delicious meals, but it will also boost your confidence in the kitchen. You can improve your cooking skills by learning more advanced techniques and experimenting with different cuisines as you progress.

21 மார்ச் 2023

What is your definition of Diet?


Diet is derived from the Latin word "Dieta", which means "way of life". A diet is a health-related practise in which a person restricts their intake of specific foods and beverages in order to achieve a specific health-related goal. It is commonly used to lead a healthier lifestyle, lose weight, or treat medical conditions. Dieting differs from fasting in that it involves a lifestyle change rather than a period of fasting. Diet can also refer to the type of food consumed, such as a vegetarian diet, a high-protein diet, or a low-carb diet.

Diet is short for "Dieta," which means "way of life" in Latin. It was first used in English in the 13th century to refer to a way of life or a medical regimen. Over time, the term has come to refer to any eating plan that promotes health and fitness.

Dieting is used to assist people in attaining and maintaining a healthy weight. It can also be used to treat conditions like high cholesterol, diabetes, and heart disease. Dieting can also be used to improve overall health, lower the risk of chronic diseases, and improve mental health.

There are numerous diets available, including low-fat diets, low-carb diets, Mediterranean diets, and vegetarian diets. Each diet has its own set of rules and guidelines, and it is critical to research and select the one that is best suited to your lifestyle and health objectives. Additionally, some people may require the services of a doctor or a dietitian to receive personalised advice on which type of diet is best for them.

Finally, diet is a health-related practise in which a person restricts their intake of certain foods and beverages in order to achieve a specific health-related goal. There are numerous diets available, and it is critical to research and select the one that is best suited to your lifestyle and health objectives. Furthermore, dieting to the point of deprivation should be avoided, as this can lead to unhealthy eating habits and even nutritional deficiencies.

The Four Pillars of Health: Exercising, Eating Right, Mental Health, and Preventative Care


Not only is being in good bodily, mental, and social health important, but so is being free from illness or disability. Genetics, environment, lifestyle, and access to high-quality healthcare are just a few of the many variables that affect one's health. A long and happy life depends on being in good health.

Not only is being in good bodily, mental, and social health important, but so is being free from illness or disability. Genetics, environment, lifestyle, and access to high-quality healthcare are just a few of the many variables that affect one's health. A long and happy life depends on being in good health.

The 4 tenets of good health

1. Activity: Exercise enhances physical health by boosting stamina, flexibility, and flexibility. Moreover, it aids in lowering tension and raising mood.

2. Nutrition: Consuming a nutritious, well-balanced diet helps people stay at a healthy weight, lower their chance of developing chronic diseases, and have more energy.

3. Mental health: An individual's mental health includes their emotional, psychological, and social welfare. The maintenance of one's mental health is crucial for overall wellbeing. This include controlling stress levels, using relaxation methods, and obtaining enough rest.

4. Preventive Care: Keeping one's health is mostly dependent on preventative care. This includes routine health examinations, immunisations, and other precautions that lower the likelihood of major repercussions and aid in the early detection of health disorders.


Exercise, nutrition, mental health, and preventative care are the four pillars of health. All four pillars are required for good health to be achieved and maintained. Regular physical activity and exercise help to improve overall health and fitness, while eating a nutritious diet helps to maintain a healthy weight and lower the risk of chronic diseases. Mental health is an important component of overall well-being, and it includes stress management, relaxation techniques, and getting enough sleep. Finally, preventative care is critical for detecting health problems early and avoiding serious complications.

10 மார்ச் 2023

Impress your friends and family with this delicious and easy-to-make bastha recipe! 🌟👨‍👩‍👧‍👦


Dish Intro:

Bastha, also known as Basbousa, is a popular Middle Eastern dessert that is enjoyed in many different variations across the region. Originating from Egypt, bastha has since become a beloved dessert in many Middle Eastern countries and is often served during special occasions and celebrations.

Our version of this delicious dessert features a crunchy semolina base that is packed with chopped almonds and pistachios, and is then topped with a fragrant rosewater syrup that perfectly balances out the sweetness of the dish. The combination of textures and flavors in this Pistachio and Almond Bastha with Rosewater Syrup is sure to impress your taste buds and leave you wanting more!



For the Bastha:

2 cups of fine semolina

1 cup of unsalted butter, melted

1 cup of raw almonds, roughly chopped

1 cup of raw pistachios, roughly chopped

1/2 cup of granulated sugar

1/2 teaspoon of baking powder

1/2 teaspoon of ground cinnamon

1/4 teaspoon of ground nutmeg

For the Syrup:

2 cups of granulated sugar

1 1/2 cups of water

1 tablespoon of fresh lemon juice

1 tablespoon of rosewater


Preheat the oven to 180°C. Line a baking dish (approximately 30x20cm) with parchment paper.

In a large mixing bowl, combine the semolina, melted butter, chopped almonds and pistachios, sugar, baking powder, cinnamon and nutmeg. Mix well until everything is evenly incorporated.

Pour the mixture into the lined baking dish and spread it out evenly. Press down firmly to ensure the mixture is compact.

Bake for 25-30 minutes, or until the top is a light golden brown.
While the bastha is baking, prepare the syrup. In a medium saucepan, combine the sugar, water and lemon juice. Bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce the heat to low and simmer for 10-15 minutes, or until the mixture has thickened slightly.

    Remove the syrup from the heat and stir in the rosewater.                                                               Once the bastha is ready, remove it from the oven and pour the hot syrup over the top. Allow the bastha to cool to room temperature, then cover and refrigerate for at least 1 hour, or until the syrup has been fully absorbed.
To serve, cut the bastha into squares or diamond shapes and sprinkle with extra chopped nuts, if desired.

30 டிசம்பர் 2022

Salting Your Food Too Much? Don't Stress, These Hacks Will Quickly Fix It


When it comes to cooking, salt is the one ingredient that can make or ruin a dish. Salt is a crucial component since it improves the flavour of everything it is put to, including fruit, eggs, meat, and yes, even sweets. But occasionally, we can all become a little irrational.

But you're not always in a bind when your food is oversalted. You can take steps to address the issue; the important thing is to choose the best course of action for your particular recipe.

Three Ways to Avoid Oversalted Food

Foods can rapidly move from being perfectly salted to being oversalted. Here are some suggestions to help you avoid oversalting food as you cook:

Make sure to use the specified components if a recipe calls for low-sodium items, such as unsalted broth or low-sodium soy sauce. Otherwise, the final product will be too salty if you use the salted versions and still add the recommended amount of salt.

Many home cooks gain so much confidence in their abilities that salt measurement is sometimes forgotten. This occasionally works but occasionally results in a salty dish.

The salt-absorbing potato myth

According to the hypothesis, adding a few pieces of potato to overly salty food and then taking them out will cause the potato to absorb the extra salt. However, author Robert Wolke detailed his scientific examination of this myth (with the help of a chemistry lab assistant) in his book What Einstein Told His Cook: Kitchen Science Showed and explained why it is untrue. Wolke asserts that while the potato does absorb part of the liquid and subsequently acquire a salty flavour as a result, the surplus salt is not actually eliminated, any more than would dunking a dry kitchen sponge in water. Simply put, it gets saltwater-logged.

Simply add water

Simply adding a little water, sodium-free stock, or another saltless liquid helps reduce the amount of salt in soups, stews, and other liquid-based recipes. However, it can thin out what you're preparing and prevent you from boiling it down, leaving you back where you started. Create a roux or cornflour slurry and add it to the soup as a thickening to counteract it. Rachael Ray's website states that you may even prepare a purée out of white rice and water to give the salt another flavouring without overly diluting your recipe.

Add some acid.

When anything is just a little too salty, something acidic, like lemon juice or vinegar, can also bring everything back into balance. Similar to salt, acid is a key flavouring element. People frequently mistakenly believe that food needs salt when all it truly need is a little acid (knowing that is a good way to avoid oversalting your food). The acid might hide the saltiness, but it won't actually make it go away

Advice on reducing salt intake

Be mindful of the ingredients you use. You might not need as much additional salt if you use very salted products, like bottled stocks. Use low- or no-sodium versions wherever possible so you can regulate your own salt intake. And while following recipes, never directly swap one salt kind for another. If a recipe calls for kosher salt, use kosher instead of measuring considerably more table salt than is required because kosher salt has larger grains. Even while adding salt as you go is crucial, it only counts if you taste as you go. Remember the salty flavours you'll be adding later or finishing with, too, such Parmesan cheese, capers, Worcestershire, and others. Last but not least, if you can't taste as you

22 டிசம்பர் 2022

How to Make the Best Roasted Chicken

Perfectly cooked chicken has crisp, juicy skin and succulent, tender meat. So, use this step-by-step roast chicken guide to get the most out of your roast.

What you required

Have the following items on hand in your kitchen for expert roasting.

a large mixing bowl for the stuffing ingredients

a wooden spoon for combining the ingredients for the stuffing

unwaxed white kitchen string for trussing the chicken a large roasting pan large enough to fit the chicken with room for vegetables around it, if desired poultry shears or sharp kitchen scissors for cutting the chicken into serving pieces

Top Roasting Chicken Tips

Use these helpful hints to make your roast a success.

Thaw frozen chicken overnight in the refrigerator, never on the kitchen counter or in the sink. To catch any juices, place the chicken in a large dish. Use within 24 hours of thawing.

Use poultry shears or sharp kitchen scissors to easily and safely cut raw or roasted chicken into pieces.

Separate cutting boards and utensils should be used for raw and cooked chicken. After use, thoroughly clean them with hot soapy water.

Remove the crusts from slices of day-old bread to make fresh breadcrumbs for stuffings. Place the ingredients in a food processor and pulse until finely chopped.

Before roasting, stuff the chicken. If you fill it too soon, microorganisms from the fluids of the uncooked chicken may contaminate the stuffing.

Your chicken will become dry if you overcook it. As a general rule, a 1.5 kg entire stuffed chicken cooks in an oven preheated at 180 °C for approximately 30 minutes every 500 g of weight.

Cover the chicken with foil once it has finished cooking. Before carving or chopping into pieces, set aside for 5–10 minutes to rest. The liquids can settle as a result.

How to prepare roasted chicken

A 180°C oven is to be used. Put the chicken on a roasting pan with the breasts facing up. Sprinkle some salt and pepper on the chicken. Cook the chicken as directed by your recipe.

Put a skewer into the thickest portion of the thigh to see if the chicken is done. The chicken is done if the juices flow clear and show no signs of pinkness. Before slicing or cutting the chicken into serving-sized pieces, cover it loosely with foil and let it aside to rest for five to ten minutes.

15 டிசம்பர் 2022

உடல் எடையை குறைக்க பின்பற்ற வேண்டிய எளிய முறை ....

1. காலை உணவை தவிர்க்க வேண்டாம்

காலை உணவை தவிர்ப்பது உடல் எடையை குறைக்க உதவாது. அத்தியாவசிய ஊட்டச்சத்துக்களை நீங்கள் இழக்க நேரிடலாம், மேலும் நீங்கள் பசியுடன் இருப்பதால் நாள் முழுவதும் அதிக சிற்றுண்டி சாப்பிடலாம்.

2. வழக்கமான உணவை உண்ணுங்கள்

பகலில் வழக்கமான நேரத்தில் சாப்பிடுவது கலோரிகளை வேகமாக எரிக்க உதவுகிறது. கொழுப்பு மற்றும் சர்க்கரை அதிகம் உள்ள உணவுகளை சிற்றுண்டி சாப்பிடும் ஆசையையும் இது குறைக்கிறது.

3. நிறைய பழங்கள் மற்றும் காய்கறிகளை சாப்பிடுங்கள்

பழங்கள் மற்றும் காய்கறிகளில் கலோரிகள் மற்றும் கொழுப்பு குறைவாகவும், நார்ச்சத்து அதிகமாகவும் உள்ளது - வெற்றிகரமான எடை இழப்புக்கு 3 அத்தியாவசிய பொருட்கள். அவற்றில் ஏராளமான வைட்டமின்கள் மற்றும் தாதுக்கள் உள்ளன.

4. சிறந்த உடற் பயிற்சி 

சுறுசுறுப்பாக இருப்பது உடல் எடையைக் குறைப்பதற்கும் ,உடல் எடை அதிகரிப்பாதை  தடுப்பதற்கும் முக்கியமாகும். நிறைய ஆரோக்கிய நன்மைகளை வழங்குவதுடன், உடற்பயிற்சியானது உணவின் மூலம் மட்டும் நீங்கள் குறைக்க முடியாத அதிகப்படியான கலோரிகளை எரிக்க உதவும்.

5. நிறைய தண்ணீர் குடிக்கவும்

மக்கள் சில நேரங்களில் தாகத்தை பசியுடன் குழப்புகிறார்கள். ஒரு கிளாஸ் தண்ணீர் உண்மையில் உங்களுக்குத் தேவைப்படும்போது நீங்கள் கூடுதல் கலோரிகளை உட்கொள்வீர்கள்.

6. நார்ச்சத்து அதிகம் உள்ள உணவுகளை உண்ணுங்கள்

நிறைய நார்ச்சத்து கொண்ட உணவுகள் உங்களை முழுதாக உணர உதவும், இது உடல் எடையை குறைக்க ஏற்றது. பழங்கள் மற்றும் காய்கறிகள், ஓட்ஸ், முழு தானிய ரொட்டி, பழுப்பு அரிசி மற்றும் பாஸ்தா, மற்றும் பீன்ஸ், பட்டாணி மற்றும் பருப்பு போன்ற தாவரங்களின் உணவில் மட்டுமே நார்ச்சத்து காணப்படுகிறது.

7. உணவு லேபிள்களைப் படிக்கவும்

உணவு லேபிள்களைப் படிப்பது எப்படி என்பதை அறிவது ஆரோக்கியமான விருப்பங்களைத் தேர்வுசெய்ய உதவும். எடை இழப்புத் திட்டத்தில் உங்கள் தினசரி கலோரி அளவுடன் ஒரு குறிப்பிட்ட உணவு எவ்வாறு பொருந்துகிறது என்பதைக் கண்டறிய கலோரி தகவலைப் பயன்படுத்தவும்.

8. சிறிய தட்டு பயன்படுத்தவும்

சிறிய தட்டுகளைப் பயன்படுத்துவது சிறிய பகுதிகளை சாப்பிட உதவும். சிறிய தட்டுகள் மற்றும் கிண்ணங்களைப் பயன்படுத்துவதன் மூலம், பசியின்றி சிறிய பகுதிகளை சாப்பிடுவதற்கு நீங்கள் படிப்படியாகப் பழகலாம். வயிறு நிரம்பியதை மூளைக்குச் சொல்ல சுமார் 20 நிமிடங்கள் ஆகும், எனவே மெதுவாகச் சாப்பிட்டு, நிரம்பியதாக உணரும் முன் சாப்பிடுவதை நிறுத்துங்கள்.

9. உணவுகளை தடை செய்யாதீர்கள்

உங்கள் எடை இழப்பு திட்டத்தில் இருந்து எந்த உணவுகளையும் தடை செய்யாதீர்கள், குறிப்பாக நீங்கள் விரும்பும் உணவுகள். உணவுகளைத் தடைசெய்வது உங்களுக்கு இன்னும் அதிகமாக உணவை சாப்பிட ஆசைப்பட வைக்கும். 

10. நொறுக்குத் தீனிகளை தவிருங்கள் 

சோதனையைத் தவிர்க்க, சாக்லேட், பிஸ்கட், மிருதுவான மற்றும் இனிப்பு ஃபிஸி பானங்கள் போன்ற நொறுக்குத் தீனிகளை வீட்டில் சேமிக்க வேண்டாம். அதற்கு பதிலாக, பழங்கள், உப்பு சேர்க்காத அரிசி கேக்குகள், ஓட்ஸ் கேக்குகள், உப்பு சேர்க்காத அல்லது இனிக்காத பாப்கார்ன் மற்றும் பழச்சாறு போன்ற ஆரோக்கியமான தின்பண்டங்களைத் தேர்ந்தெடுக்கவும்.

11. மது அருந்துவதைக் குறைக்கவும்

ஒரு ஸ்டாண்டர்ட் க்ளாஸ் ஒயின், ஒரு சாக்லேட் துண்டில் உள்ள அளவுக்கு கலோரிகளைக் கொண்டிருக்கும். காலப்போக்கில், அதிகப்படியான குடிப்பழக்கம் எளிதில் எடை அதிகரிப்புக்கு பங்களிக்கும்.

12. உங்கள் உணவைத் திட்டமிடுங்கள்

வாரத்திற்கு உங்கள் காலை உணவு, மதிய உணவு, இரவு உணவு மற்றும் சிற்றுண்டிகளைத் திட்டமிட முயற்சிக்கவும், உங்கள் கலோரி அளவைக் கடைப்பிடிப்பதை உறுதிப்படுத்திக் கொள்ளுங்கள். வாராந்திர ஷாப்பிங் பட்டியலை உருவாக்குவது உங்களுக்கு உதவியாக இருக்கும்.

14 டிசம்பர் 2022

2 நிமிடத்தில் தலைவலியை எப்படி போக்குவது எப்படி ?


உடனடி தலைவலி நிவாரணத்திற்கான 4 வழிகள் :

பண்டைய திபெத்தியர்கள் தங்கள் தலைவலியைப் போக்க தங்கள் உடலின் சில இடங்களில் அழுத்தம் கொடுத்தனர் என்பது உங்களுக்குத் தெரியுமா? அக்குபிரஷர் என்று அழைக்கப்படும் இந்த முறை நம்பமுடியாத அளவிற்கு பயனுள்ளதாக நிரூபிக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது. 

1. புருவங்களுக்கு இடையில் மசாஜ் செய்யவும்

உங்கள் புருவங்களுக்கு இடையில் மற்றும் உங்கள் மூக்கின் பாலத்திற்கு மேல் நிலையான அழுத்தத்தைப் பயன்படுத்த முயற்சிக்கவும். உங்கள் வலி குறையத் தொடங்குவதைப் போல நீங்கள் உணரும் வரை இந்த அழுத்தத்தை பல நிமிடங்கள் மீண்டும் மீண்டும் பயன்படுத்தவும். இந்த அழுத்தப் புள்ளியைத் தொடுவது அஜீரணம் மற்றும் கண் சோர்வினால் ஏற்படும் வலியிலிருந்து நிவாரணம் பெற உதவும்.

2. உங்கள் முன் நெற்றியின் இரண்டு பக்கங்களிலும்  மசாஜ் செய்யவும்:

உங்கள்  நெற்றியின் பக்கங்கள் அக்குபிரஷர் மூலம் தொடக்கூடிய மற்ற அழுத்த புள்ளிகள். உங்கள் முன் நெற்றியின் இரண்டு பக்கங்களிலும் நிலையான அழுத்தத்தைப் பயன்படுத்த உங்கள் கட்டைவிரல்கள் அல்லது உங்கள் ஆள்காட்டி விரலின் நுனிகளைப் பயன்படுத்தவும்; வலி குறையும் வரை உங்கள் விரல்களை சிறிய வட்ட இயக்கங்களில் நகர்த்த முயற்சிக்கவும்.

3. கழுத்தின் பின்புறத்தை மசாஜ் செய்யவும் :

உங்கள் ஆள்காட்டி விரலின் நுனியால் உங்கள் கழுத்தின் பின்புறத்தை அழுத்த முயற்சிக்கவும்; இது உங்கள் ஒற்றைத் தலைவலி அல்லது தலைவலியை உடனடியாகப் போக்க உதவும். இது மிக விரைவாக வேலை செய்கிறது, ஏனெனில் இந்த பகுதியில் உள்ள தசைகள் மன அழுத்தத்தை அனுபவிக்கும் போது இறுக்கமடைகின்றன, இது உங்கள் தலையில் வலியை ஏற்படுத்துகிறது. எனவே, இந்த இடத்தை நேரடியாக குறிவைப்பது மிகவும் பயனுள்ளதாக இருக்கும்.

4. உங்கள் பெரிய மற்றும் இரண்டாவது கால்விரல்களுக்கு இடையில் மசாஜ் செய்யவும்

 இது ஒரு வித்தியாசமான அழுத்தப் புள்ளியாகத் தோன்றலாம், ஆனால் உடலின் பல பாகங்கள்ஒன்றோடு ஒன்று  அடுத்ததாக இல்லாவிட்டாலும் ஒன்றோடொன்று இணைக்கப்பட்டுள்ளன. உங்கள் தலையில் ஒரு இடத்தில் கவனம் செலுத்துவது போல் உங்கள் காலில் உள்ள இந்த புள்ளி உங்கள் தலைவலி அல்லது ஒற்றைத் தலைவலியைப் போக்க உதவும்.